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Vinegar, The Home Remedy To Take Care Of Your Plants

White vinegar is well-known for its disinfectant and cleaning properties, but it is also a great home remedy to care for your plants and garden.

Its acidity helps to regulate the pH of the soil and is also antiseptic. This allows it to be used to treat or prevent certain pests and diseases.

We will discuss the benefits of vinegar as well as how to properly use it to care for your plants.

Water neutralizer

Vinegar is good for plants because it can neutralize water. Some plants are not able to be watered with limewater. Vinegar increases the plants’ acidity so we can use tap water instead of bottled water.

Insect trap

Vinegar also works well as an insect trap. Spraying vinegar on plants can help eliminate flies in fruit plantations, gardens with fruit trees, and in the kitchen.

Add nutrients to the substrate

Vinegar can add iron to soils and substrates. It is best to use small quantities in plants that are sensitive to acidic soils such as strawberries, lemon trees, roses, or blueberries.


Another benefit of vinegar is that it can be used to prepare herbicide, since this substance can be sprayed undiluted in [some areas of your orchard or garden] https://www.admagazine.com/sustentabilidad/como- have-a-garden-inside-an-apartment-20210126-8044-articles.html ) to keep them free of weeds, and prevent plants or other fungi from growing.

Repellent for ants, and other animals

Undiluted white vinegar can be used to repel ants from many crops. Vinegar is also good for keeping other animals, such as cats or dogs, from urinating on the plants. Its acidic smell is unpleasant.

Materials disinfectant

Vinegar can also be used to disinfect garden materials such as pots and seedbeds. Because of their vulnerability to mold, if they are not properly disinfected, new seeds can become more susceptible to the mushroom infestation.

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