Hi my name’s James Johnson. I’m a DAD and husband to my lovely wife Rhianna. I live in Belleville, New Jersey with Rhianna and I moved here from Dallas a while ago. About 6 years ago we got married and that’s when life became colorful for me. Rhianna changed my life. Now, living is great, and I have new interests in life and I started writing about those interests a while ago now.
Recently I plucked up the motivation to start a blog. I can honestly say that is was a great decision. The content I write about have been inspiring for many people and have inspired others to make life decisions and even change aspects of their life.
This blog is all about lifestyle and things I have discovered and learned. I endeavour to talk about a broad range of topics that might range from how to prevent dog theft through to posts on how to unblock a blocked sink.
My focus is to research subjects that readers are interested to read about. I believe that educating yourself across a range of subjects will provide that all important balance in life and place you on a better, more successful, fulfilled path in life.
I really hope you get inspired with what I write about as I research life itself.